A philosophical statement is often equated to a point of view or basic principle. Although we find such sentiments are often off base as they give a general sentiment of the writer with relation to the market, it was felt that something should be said. Still, it is obvious that money and the nature of the market make any declared sacred principles pliable and merely performance owing to the corrosive effects of wealth and time. Statements, no matter how laudable or noble, are merely that: statements.
They are air. Like air, times change, people change, and these sorts of platitudinal constructs always warp except for a select few situations. Otherwise? They are merely what can be said at a time, intended at the time.
Despite this there are some things that are perennial, eternal, and true. These things persist and are what is ultimately valuable re-emerging without regard for the circumstances.
Our view is that the only consolation that human beings truly have is their fellows. Beyond this narrow circle there are few other things of true value and even those other things stand or fall with relation to this basic circle.
All things that strengthen or make endurable this circle are to be prioritized, as there is nothing beyond it.
This is because the universe is cold and dead and only human values exist. There is nothing else, and all value is organized around them, should support them, and should serve to ameliorate the pain of our fellows as the stones care not a jot. Delusions will not help us. Denial will not relieve our pain.
We are alone and all we have is our fellows. To this end we selected and found tabletop roleplaying games to be of value and substance as they allowed for the above while also evading most of the foibles of our times. They are wholesome as their nature is valuable in what they do: small groups of people working collaboratively on tiny enterprises of sincere self-knowledge, creativity, storytelling, and all things in between.
To that end we affirm the following:
Sincerity orients the work and is integral.
Human community is integral to the work.
Creativity holds people together is integral to the work.
Self-knowledge is a perpetual need and is integral to the work.
To that end anything done to promote these is preferred, prioritized, and to be put as central in the things we make. These are not exclusionary, and are understood as cooperative – they promote, assist, and lattice each other.
This is what we prioritize.